We've been travelin all around and so the blog has been neglected! I promise to update more frequently!
I can't believe that my last post was so long ago....
December came and went - we've definately got good photos from Christmas...that are stuck on our desktop that is now frozen :)

couple of weeks later we were off to Orlando for the North American Veterinary Conference for a few days of warmer weather yet again....no trips to Disney but a good amount of time with my great colleagues and one in particular's wonderful parents who hosted us at their home twice during our stay!

January marked my 29th birthday and I celebrated not only with my husband on my actual birthday but with my friends a few days later and it made me realize that with your true friends - time is of no importance. We may not have seen each other in a while but had more laughs than I can remember and created some hilarious memories...I felt 18 again :)
January also marked the birth of a lovely baby girl for the Maurer Family. The wee'est Maurer is the beautiful Tessa and amazing mom looks better than ever. I cant wait to get to know their new addition and to give big sister a hug too!
February is quickly coming to a close but marked the 30th birthdays of two of my best friends - Kristin and Tara. Both had great birthday celebrations out in our stomping grounds of New Brunswick - both have amazing husbands who are so evidently in love with their wonderful wives and I feel lucky to have them in my life. Tara's birthday is actually today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Mid-February's jaunt was to Vegas for the Western Veterinary Conference. Work by day but play by night in Sin City was awesome with my hubby, and colleagues Sean and Carey. All I have to say to them is ....Prive.
Yesterday was Nicky's baby shower - she also looks amazing! and Kevin, her husband, did all the cooking for the shower. This celebration was not just a time to 'shower' Nicks with gifts for B-squared (yes, that's what I call the brice baby) but a time to see my Carol - who is recently engaged and I havent seen since she received the sparkler on her finger - and to meet wee Maurer and to marvel in the wonder that is my friend, a mom-to-be, someone whom I love and cant believe that I have known for almost ten years now.
I promise to load and post the photos tomorrow ... or Tuesday knowing me :)
Certainly, the month of love has shown me a lot of love - love for my friends and my family - amazing love for my husband who each day surprises me with his sentiment and emotion for me. If I had a nickel for everytime he brought tears (good ones) to my eyes with his simple and loving words I'd be a millionaire....but then I remember that I am richer than I could imagine.
True love, friendship, and the phenomenal family that I have been blessed with are more than any girl could ever ask for. Add to that a job that I love, two super cute (yet naughty) dogs, a beautiful home, my health, and a bright future to build.....well I'm just swimmin in it arent I?
till tomorrow...(or Tuesday - I promise!)
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