Just like everyone else's holiday season ours is crazy busy. I had a looooonnngg business trip to St. Kitts (no I'm not complaining - if you gotta go - you gotta go!) and Eric accompanied me. Upon our return I launched right into our semi-annual off-site staff retreat which meant MORE time out of the office (and more eating out)...
As many of you know, we cancelled our scheduled holiday party for Saturday the 15th thinking that the bad weather would make for unsafe travels. We've rescheduled so check you're e-mail.
Last night we put up our Christmas tree and hung our "First Christmas" ornament together. In the middle of rushing around, wrapping presents, and small arguements that often ensue during the holiday season - it was nice to take a moment together. Though it seems small, hanging that ornament together was symbolic for both of us and I'm thankful that I have a wonderful husband who truly appreciates our marriage and tells me all the time that I'm stuck with him!
I wouldnt want to be "stuck" with anyone else....
On another note, we wanted to share some pictures of beautiful St. Kitts with you - it's where Ross' Vet campus is located and was the site for my alumni reunion and continuing education program. Eric and I had a wonderful time exploring the island and he was a BIG help to me as I was working the entire time.
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