That being said, we had a great summer.
Eric and I celebrated our first anniversary in Hawaii and renewed our vows on the beach in Maui. We had a ridiculously awesome time. It was exactly what we needed to unwind, refresh, and make brand new vows to each other as our marriage grows and evolves.
We spent our days relaxing in the sun, snorkeling and just enjoying each other's company. Oh and yea, I sprained my ankle and broke my toe....we can all laugh about it now :)
Here are some of our photos from our awesome anniversary :)
Then, we came back to reality and soon we realized that we had brought home an important and life changing souvenier from the islands....

And so our hectic summer of doctor's visits began :) mix that in with some business trips for me and we were really flying through the warm weather months...Of course, what is the natural thing for a woman to do when she finds out she's pregnant? She starts taking classes towards her MBA - doesnt that make a ton of sense? :)
That being said, I have no photos of my ever growing belly to share with you :( bc they havent been downloaded yet (yes, bad me I know) BUT I can share with you that today at our ultrasound appointment we found out that our little bean (who's not so little anymore)

is a GIRL :) I say she's giving us a thumbs up in this lil photo but who knows? Anyway, we'll keep you all posted. Thanks for all the good wishes and loving thoughts. Keep 'em coming.
It's a girl!!! I knew it!
She has a big noggin...just like her dad!
I can't wait to meet her!
Love the hawaii pics, they take us back to our time on the islands. oh and the baby is so cute already! Congratulations you two!
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