Their relationship isnt that fairy tale 'la-la' relationship. And honestly, after 7 years together if they were that way I'd be worried. They're real. They love each other tremendously and truly respect each other and I know that they're entering into this marri
age eyes wide open.

Here's to you guys - being married for a hundred million years and always being happy.
Liz and I met long long ago in a land far far away. ok FINE. We met in New Brunswick at Rutgers but it was long ago. And I think at first we paid no attention to each other. In fact, Im not sure Liz even liked me though I dont remember liking or not-liking her so I must have been completely indifferent towards her. I do remember thinking one day in a staff meeting, 'Geez that girl is sarcastic'.
I dont know how it happened or when, but I love my Liz. We are there for each other through anything. We can call on each other for silly or serious matters and we're just 'us' all the time. No pretenses no facades -
just the real Liz and Yas or White Chocolate and Brown Bear as we call each other (if you watch Scrubs you'll get the reference).

Liz - I'm here for you :) you know that if anyone can help you plan a fall 2008 wedding it's me. I love a challenge!
wow! congratulations! we know a good photographer if you need one;)
Thanks, Yasmin!
Although we're not certain it will be Fall 2008...waiting to hear if Tim's mom can get the time off work...
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