Seriously. Today the weather was terrible and cold and gray - who would know that it was August? But as I look back on my day, and the whole week, I not only smile but almost get a little misty eyed. There are funny things, sad things, and just oh so lovely things and at the end of the week I think about how we pack so much living into this time. We may not realize it but we all do - really do - live out loud...and A LOT!
There were a lot of hilarious moments this week, some of them are only funny now as I look back on them. Funny all the time is how Becky and I play an intense game of phone tag for weeks before speaking. Becks is my rock, my solid and heart of gold friend. The kind who you know will sit with you when you're old and gray and senile....and tell you that you are old, gray and senile! Today I finally got to chat with her and hopefully I'll be seeing her tomorrow AND next weekend. What a treat that would be.

Funny (now) is how my Morgen reacted to the enormous storm that happened this week. In her defense, this was a HUGE thunder and lightning show - like none other I've seen before. But then again....Morgen thinks that the bug zapper is somehow coming to get her and that the washing machine is a force to be reckoned with. Around 4am during the storm, my Morgen decided to rearrange our furniture in her attempt to be close to us and "feel safe" from the storm at hand. Finally Ms. Morgen ended up in the basement. In the morning, it took her 5 minutes to find her way out of the labrynth she had created for herself.
Bonding at work this week consisted of my colleagues/friends gathering in my office (I have a good view of the street) to watch (and create theories on) the police presence outside. Why had they blocked the road? who was in the woods? was it a bank robbery? Among our funny made up stories we stopped to realize that something big WAS going on. When my husband could provide no answers (yes, we all think he knows about ALL police activity in the area) we moved on to lunch only to find out that a truly tragic accident had occured. Our sadness for this woman produced more conversation - much more somber conversation and I know that we were all a little more grateful for what we had at that moment.
Our friend Christina lost a friend this week who had been battling for her life for some weeks now. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with her family and with Christina who is truly effected by her passing.
On the loving husband and I had a date this week. On a trek to try to meet Dog the Bounty Hunter at a book signing we stopped for dinner in Ridgewood (thanks for the help Sean!) and never went to the book signing. The 4 block long line of crazed fans made us realize that we're not THAT crazy and that it was nice to take a drive together, talk in the car, talk over dinner and just enjoy each other.
Cairon and I also had a date this week :) as usual she prepared a great meal and we chatted like girlfriends do. Then Cam (her eldest son) showed us a hilarious sketch on YouTube from Flight of the Conchords. YOU MUST check it out. Search for "Flight of the Conchords Jenny" and just watch it. At work, we're all reciting lines from it.
and then back to today....the reason for my reflection. Today was raining and cold. The perfect day to stay in bed and cuddle. But I had work and we both had errands and appointments. So off we went, somethings we did together and in the rain, we huddled under one umbrella. Someone asked us - did we want another umbrella? and Eric said, "no, it gives us a chance to hug" and I thought - how awesome. It does! We walked so close under that umbrella, my hand in his back pocket, Eric's arm wrapped securely around me. Life is so good. When we stopped in to see someone that Eric has known since the age of 5, he hugged me like I'd known him since my toddler days and asked how "the old married lady" was doing. After a slew of great compliments (my confidence meter sky rocketed) he turned to Eric and said "I tip my hat to you. You done good" and referred to me as being able to bring all the good things out in my loving husband.
And that felt wonderful....When I got home from work today Eric was playing a video game that I know he'd been dying to get. And since I got a great present today (you'll have to see me to see it!) I thought "what the heck". As he played, I read my novel and we shared our time without speaking. Eric made my favorite dinner (favorite dinner from HIM) - grilled cheese on fresh bread from the local bakery and tomato basil soup. MMMMM today was a perfect day for this meal which is usually reserved for Valentines Day. And as I left the family room (he's playing again) to type this post, I brought him the fresh baked cookie I picked up for him when I got the bread. Our little ways of showing each other that we're thinking of each other - that we love each other. And I hope it never stops.
And so the reflection...and the song playing in my head....because every now and again we should all stop and think about how sweet it is......
Bonding at work this week consisted of my colleagues/friends gathering in my office (I have a good view of the street) to watch (and create theories on) the police presence outside. Why had they blocked the road? who was in the woods? was it a bank robbery? Among our funny made up stories we stopped to realize that something big WAS going on. When my husband could provide no answers (yes, we all think he knows about ALL police activity in the area) we moved on to lunch only to find out that a truly tragic accident had occured. Our sadness for this woman produced more conversation - much more somber conversation and I know that we were all a little more grateful for what we had at that moment.
Our friend Christina lost a friend this week who had been battling for her life for some weeks now. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with her family and with Christina who is truly effected by her passing.
On the loving husband and I had a date this week. On a trek to try to meet Dog the Bounty Hunter at a book signing we stopped for dinner in Ridgewood (thanks for the help Sean!) and never went to the book signing. The 4 block long line of crazed fans made us realize that we're not THAT crazy and that it was nice to take a drive together, talk in the car, talk over dinner and just enjoy each other.
Cairon and I also had a date this week :) as usual she prepared a great meal and we chatted like girlfriends do. Then Cam (her eldest son) showed us a hilarious sketch on YouTube from Flight of the Conchords. YOU MUST check it out. Search for "Flight of the Conchords Jenny" and just watch it. At work, we're all reciting lines from it.
and then back to today....the reason for my reflection. Today was raining and cold. The perfect day to stay in bed and cuddle. But I had work and we both had errands and appointments. So off we went, somethings we did together and in the rain, we huddled under one umbrella. Someone asked us - did we want another umbrella? and Eric said, "no, it gives us a chance to hug" and I thought - how awesome. It does! We walked so close under that umbrella, my hand in his back pocket, Eric's arm wrapped securely around me. Life is so good. When we stopped in to see someone that Eric has known since the age of 5, he hugged me like I'd known him since my toddler days and asked how "the old married lady" was doing. After a slew of great compliments (my confidence meter sky rocketed) he turned to Eric and said "I tip my hat to you. You done good" and referred to me as being able to bring all the good things out in my loving husband.
And that felt wonderful....When I got home from work today Eric was playing a video game that I know he'd been dying to get. And since I got a great present today (you'll have to see me to see it!) I thought "what the heck". As he played, I read my novel and we shared our time without speaking. Eric made my favorite dinner (favorite dinner from HIM) - grilled cheese on fresh bread from the local bakery and tomato basil soup. MMMMM today was a perfect day for this meal which is usually reserved for Valentines Day. And as I left the family room (he's playing again) to type this post, I brought him the fresh baked cookie I picked up for him when I got the bread. Our little ways of showing each other that we're thinking of each other - that we love each other. And I hope it never stops.
And so the reflection...and the song playing in my head....because every now and again we should all stop and think about how sweet it is......
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