The Roads - less traveled, more traveled and never found...
The twists and turns in the journey of being all things to everyone while being fabulous to yourself.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Like a hamster wheel...
Okay, so I didnt finish everything on my to-do list, but I think it's a big check mark when I get to sit with my daughter and read her THREE books before bed. HUGE checkmark when I take 15 seconds out to give my husband a warm hug before he leaves for work. So, I still havent packed for my business trip, I still have major things on my to-do list for work, the clothes are not folded and the hardwood floors need a good cleaning...But what I did do today, I did with thought and focus. I made some soup that I can give to my lovely parents and that hopefully my daughter will love as well. I organized and made a plan and now am giving myself a little rest.
Don't be fooled - I will certainly be packing at 11pm tonight because I won't be able to sleep if I don't get it done. But I will take a breath and realize that everyday only has 24 hours. I only have 2 hands and 1 brain and I think that there is a reason for all of these things.
Here's a photo to show you how quickly time passes: Sarah 7 months ago vs. Sarah today...amazing.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Groundhog Day
I am seriously looking forward to a weekend that will include actual things to do outside of my home...but for now, I'm going to curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and try to enjoy the silence of a 2year old (almost) who is napping :)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Back in the saddle again...
That being said, I'm keeping this short. The night is waning - and another day of staying in the house is ahead of me.
So many things have changed - in the world, in my life, and in the lives of those around me. The changes move your perception and in turn shift your goals. I sit here, smiling, hopeful for the year ahead and in case I dont post again before 2011 - here's wishing you all a year of growth, challenges, and opportunities to learn more about yourself, love others and just feel HAPPY.
Friday, December 12, 2008
wow - it's been a loooonnnggg time
I've got 9 weeks left (can you believe it?!) till my due date and so the holiday season is made even more hectic as we get her room ready, wash clothes and blankets and make sure we have all of the essentials.
My sister threw me an amazing baby shower in November and I was overwhelmed by the love and show of generosity from my friends and family. This kid is gonna have a lot of love in her life - what more could I ask for?
I had my last pre-baby business trip in November as well - being huge and on a tropical island w/ your husband dont always go together but Eric and I made the most of it!
Here are some photos from our fall adventures :)

Friday, September 12, 2008
I swear that we went back about 6 years in the game against UNC...they ran all over us. We made some ridiculous plays and looked like we were randomly lobbing the football around. I honestly think that my girlfriends in high school and I played better when we were in powder puff football.
(sigh) my poor hubbie. He's so distraught :)
Hopefully we'll come back on the 20th...if we lose to Navy I may have to go into mourning.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
It's been a long time...
That being said, we had a great summer.
Eric and I celebrated our first anniversary in Hawaii and renewed our vows on the beach in Maui. We had a ridiculously awesome time. It was exactly what we needed to unwind, refresh, and make brand new vows to each other as our marriage grows and evolves.
We spent our days relaxing in the sun, snorkeling and just enjoying each other's company. Oh and yea, I sprained my ankle and broke my toe....we can all laugh about it now :)
Here are some of our photos from our awesome anniversary :)
Then, we came back to reality and soon we realized that we had brought home an important and life changing souvenier from the islands....

And so our hectic summer of doctor's visits began :) mix that in with some business trips for me and we were really flying through the warm weather months...Of course, what is the natural thing for a woman to do when she finds out she's pregnant? She starts taking classes towards her MBA - doesnt that make a ton of sense? :)
That being said, I have no photos of my ever growing belly to share with you :( bc they havent been downloaded yet (yes, bad me I know) BUT I can share with you that today at our ultrasound appointment we found out that our little bean (who's not so little anymore)

is a GIRL :) I say she's giving us a thumbs up in this lil photo but who knows? Anyway, we'll keep you all posted. Thanks for all the good wishes and loving thoughts. Keep 'em coming.
Friday, May 16, 2008
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." Albert Einstein
I love you. I truly do :) Through it all, I know that I have a partner for life who will love me and support me in my darkest moments and applaud me through my greatest achievements.
Four years ago yesterday, Eric and I met for the very first time. Of course I thought he was cute (and he tells me he thought I was cute...) but nothing came of it for a while. Unbeknownst to both of us we were handling a lot in our lives at the time. Our conversations started out innocently enough - asking about work and general life. And as the time went by, and about a million emails were exchanged, a strong connection was formed.
Eric and I have stood by each other through more than most young couples. We've fought (like cats and dogs) and loved (like it's nobody's business) and the love always wins out.
My amazing husband sent me the most beautiful circus roses to mark the anniversary of the day we first met, and I was deeply touched. For us, we have no "dating" anniversary. Ours was a relationship that just grew - so this marks a special occassion for us. The day that I feel blessed to have met my match.
Our first anniversary is coming up and we can't believe it's been a year. We're both so thankful for our families and friends who are there to support us, make us laugh and who make everyday of our life so worthwhile.
We hope to see you all SOON!