(sigh) Nowadays it feels like the morning whiz's by me and before I know it it is 3:30pm.
Days have come and gone and now the cold has really set in. Eric and I are still trying to get by without doing the summer/winter clothing switch but I think that this weekend it will be my task to make sure that we're properly dressed for November 2007.
We havent updated this blog in over a month and I'd be remiss to not do it now. We have a lot of happenings to share!
On October 28th, Eric and I became an uncle and aunt to baby Christian Charles Nielsen! Mom and dad (Jen and Chris) are esctatic over their new son and I have to say that Eric and I are in love with him too!
Ogood friends Christina and Bill got engaged on October 5th (their shared birthday!) and they're in full swing planning for their upcoming wedding.
We found out that Nicki and Kevin are expecting their first child! Dana and Chad are 6 1/2 months into the makings of baby girl #2, and our friends Peter and Nicole are expecting their first child as well! Round it out with Jamie and Susan also on baby #1 and we've got a lot of little feet that will be running around come Summer 2008!!!
Round it out with a big birthday coming up for Becks :) and we've had and are having a full fall 2007!!!
We'll be visiting my parents for Thanksgiving so hopefully that will give us a few days to slow down and enjoy some family time.....
wishing everyone an amazing fall....and hoping to see all of you this holiday season.